Non-Negociable Mornings


Did you know that your morning routine might be a lot more important than you might think? Well, it is! Studies show that establishing a non-negotiable morning routine of exercise, gentle movement, mindfulness, a nutritious breakfast and daily dose of oxytocin-led activities can drastically increase your energy and positivity for the rest of the day. But the truth is, you don’t need the science to prove this to you, you just need to get up and try it (if you don’t already).

By Michael James Wong


These days, it’s easy to jump out of bed and get on with your day, we have deadlines to meet and coffees to order, meetings to have and things to accomplish. We can easily persuade ourselves to expedite our mornings, or worse, bypass them completely because we’re too busy getting on with the day. It’s a shame that we’ve devalued the benefits of a quiet walk, a little stretching or yoga, and few minutes of stillness simply as added value to activities on slow days when we have time and can indulge. But these activities are anything but an indulgence, they are paramount to our wellbeing and essential to our overall mind and mental health.

So, what makes a good morning routine?

Now let me be clear that a morning routine is not an advocacy for action, it’s not about creating a list of things ‘to do’ before you leave the house, it’s simply about starting your day with personal practices and a steadfast commitment to your health and wellbeing. For each of us, our morning routines will look quite different, for some it’s getting up early with time to walk, run or exercise, for others it’s taking time to meditate, read or journal. But when you take one step back, and not focus on the activity, but rather the intention, you can easily see that taking time for yourself every morning will give you the awareness, energy and capacity to live each day in a meaningful way.

Here are 5 things every morning routine should have:

Quiet Time

I know it may seem counter intuitive to start the day quietly, especially when you’ve just had a good night’s rest, but waking up gently and intentionally choosing to be quiet speaks volumes about what is actually important to your day. When we are quiet in the morning, whether it’s meditation, breathing exercises or simply an intentional moment to gather our thoughts, we allow the mind to settle into a calm state that will support us for whatever comes next. When we move through the day in a calm way, it can drastically impact our actions and reactions, support our decision-making skills and allow us to stay focused and energized for whatever we’re doing that day.


Start the day with gentle movement, this doesn’t need to be a fitness class or a 5k run, it can simply be intuitive stretching, a walk around the block, a morning dance party or rolling out a yoga mat for some mindful movements. The key is not to over think it or over plan it, simply wake up and move, your body, mind and mental health will thank you throughout the day for taking this time.


Drink more water than coffee. It’s far too common that the first liquid we drink each morning is coffee or another caffeinated beverage. We need approx. 6-8 glasses of water a day, so start off right with your first sip of the day, being the most important.


Getting some green in each morning is a nourishing way to give you a sense of ease. Spending time outside before you start your day will help inspire you, enliven the senses and help to wake you up with fresh air. Now nature doesn’t always mean going to the beach or heading out for a long walk in the woods, it can simply be taking a few minutes outside in the garden or heading to the park to take your dog for a walk. Nature is however you define it, as long as it’s outside and in the fresh air.

Good Nutrients

Yes, breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day, so make sure you eat well in the morning with a balance of healthy fruits, carbs, nuts and oats. No, coffee is not a meal, so take time to sit down and eat well. On top of what you eat, you can try probiotics and health supplements like up4® Probiotics to help support your health and wellbeing.* up4® products are a range of clean, consciously-created wellness supplements, featuring probiotics and superfoods, that support you on your journey toward a meaningful life.* The up4® Men’s Probiotic, which I’m taking right now, contains 50 billion colony-forming units of a multi-strain probiotic blend plus select vitamins.* It’s made to support my physical and mental energy, a healthy stress response and my digestive and immune health.* Unleash the power of your potential with @up4products.*


This post is sponsored by up4® products. Opinions expressed are solely my own.  

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

up4® is a trademark of DSM.


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